Saturday, May 26, 2007

MCDAC's Free Advice to Rudy Giuliani on Divorced Parent Etiquette

Okay, so Rudy "The Political Transvestite" Giuliani shows up at his daughter's graduation with his new wife. He arrives right before the ceremony begins and leaves 10 minutes before it ends. In the process he manages to avoid talking to his daughter and apparently doesn't clap for her when she crosses the stage. Obviously the chill between the PT and his kids continues. So we are going to give the PT some unsolicited advice about kids and divorced parents.

1. Never, ever bring the woman you committed adultery with to an event for your kids when they know their Mom is going to be there. It puts them in a really uncomfortable situation.

2. When you have publicly humiliated their Mom, don't expect your kids to forgive you and embrace the new wife.

3. When you are the parent who is seen as causing the divorce, be prepared for your children to be mad at you for awhile. How long depends in part if you understand points one and two.

4. Do explain to your new wife, if she was the cause of the marriage breaking up, that you will be attending your children's events without her. If she doesn't understand why, then you are with the wrong person.

That's it. If Rudy would just follow our free advice, his life would be better but then we will be robbed of the opportunity to poke fun at GOP family values.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the child of parents who went through an acrimonious divorce in the same kind of fashion and for the same reasons as Giuliani, I would add to the very astute advice above: If you follow the advice above, someday your kids will forgive you and want you in their lives, but you have to WAIT UNTIL THEY INVITE HER FOR YOUR WIFE TO ATTEND ANY EVENTS FOR THEM. Even if the man doesn't get that (men are kinda dim bulbs that way sometime), the new woman in his wife (i.e., Judy Giuliani/Nathan) should get that. She should be telling him, even if he insists, that "no, honey,it's not a good idea for me to go. You wait until they invite me. In the meantime, you enjoy your kids on your own time."