Thursday, February 21, 2008

Transcript of Interview of Senator Sherrod Brown by The Nation Magazine

On February 11, 2008, the Nation magazine posted an interview with Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown regarding the campaigns of Senators Clinton and Obama. The interview is very interesting. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: What are some of the specifics you would like to see them speaking more openly about, being more aggressive about?

They should certainly talk about the Patriot Corporation Act. I think they should strongly speak out against the Columbian Trade Deal. And they should call for a time out – as Hillary has, perhaps Barack has, I haven't heard – call for a time-out on trade agreements. I have a bill I'm about to introduce to set up a Commission – both parties, both Houses – to look back at what we've done in trade, and decide which ones we renegotiate. And work to renegotiate. And what we learn from that, and what we move forward on. I know what I think we should do, but I think we need to build a better consensus in Congress to get there. It's labor and environmental standards, that's a start. It's also stopping the shift of power from governments to corporations. Part of the privatization effort that we have in these trade agreements… we're giving away our sovereignty to corporations in terms of environmental law, food safety law, labor law, allowing these companies to overturn democratically arrived at, democratically determined, health and safety rules and laws. That's where I wish [Barack and Hillary] would go when they start to get more specific.

If you are interested in getting Senator Brown's take on the presidential campaigns and what they should be talking about, check out his interview with the Nation.

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