Friday, July 18, 2008

Obama January through June 2008 Contributions

The New York Times ran a story in its July 18, 2008 edition, detailing how much money Barack Obama has raised in 2008. The figures come to a total of 237 million raised from January through June. That figure includes two months where he went over 50 million dollars. In fact his worst month, May, was about equal to McCain's best month, which was June of 2008.

According to the Times article, the Obama campaign pointed out that its average contribution for June was $68.00. That figure is interesting for two reasons. One it points out that Obama continues to receive millions of dollars in the form of relatively small contributions. Second, it means that there are a lot of people who can continue to send money to Obama every month because they are way below the allowed contribution limit of $2300.00.

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