Saturday, April 07, 2007

Medina County Now Has More Democrats Than Republicans

One of the things that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is doing is putting voter files for individual counties on her website. The file for Medina County shows the following registration figures: Number of registered Democrats is 18664 and the number of registered Republicans is 18645. Since party registration is based on voting in party primaries, this shows that just as many Medina County voters are voting in Democratic primaries as are voting in Republican primaries. This is a very important development.

The first step in building any political organization is to identify people who support your goals. The quickest way to identify Democratic supporters is to look at those voters who voted in our party's primaries. Primary voters are motivated voters, turning out for elections in which a relatively small number of voters vote. The more of these voters there are the bigger the potential number of Democratic volunteers. Volunteers who can do things like literature distribution, put up yard signs, register voters, and all of the hundreds of things that are needed in successful political campaigns.

This doesn't mean that Medina County is going to turn "blue" overnight. It will be a long hard journey. It does mean that the process of building a competitive Medina County Democratic Party has gotten easier. The rest of the struggle is up to us.

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