Sunday, November 09, 2008

Un-Official Medina County Turn-Out

Based on the unofficial returns from the Medina County Board of Elections, this is the voter turn-out for the contested, non-judicial races in Medina County. Since Medina County is in two congressional districts and two state representative districts, we totaled the results in order to show a county-wide vote for those positions. The returns are ranked in descending order of turnout.

The least number of votes in a contested race involving a county official were cast in the County Recorder's race. The Republican incumbent was appointed at the beginning of 2007 and only had two years of incumbency. The most votes in a contested race involving a county offical were cast in the County Treasurer's race. There you had a mult-term incumbent combined with a sharp attack on the incumbent's record to drive up turnout in that race.

Counting the two congressional races and the two state representive races, there were 12 contested races on the Medina County ballot in non-judicial offices. Republicans won eight of them, and Democrats won four.

There were 128119 registered voters in Medina County. The total vote was 87973 for a turnout rate of 68.5%.

President 87973

Congress 79369

Treasurer 77649

Prosecutor 77508

State Rep 77352

Ohio AG 76548

Commissioner 76323

Commissioner 76177

State Sen 75364

Recorder 75017

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