Dear Joyce...the following is a letter I wrote to John McCain. (you may post this if you want to) I had to tell him what I truly thought of him. After Hillary losing I was uncertain where I stood and honestly didn't believe we were ready for a Barack Obama. I began actually paying attention to John McCain with an open mind and this is basically what I gathered in a very short time. I wrote him this letter. I surely hope I am not going to get into any kind of trouble. It is written from the heart and is very sincere.
Dear Senator John McCain,
How can you lead this country if you had to offer up your own wife at the Sturgis Rally to a T&A Contest called: "Buffalo Chips"? You were clearly trying so hard to please the inebriated crowd that you actually offered up your "trophy" wife to "fit in"? You are too old and should be ashamed of yourself to be entertaining the idea of running this country when just a group of bikers intimidates you? Who would use a Sturgis Rally for a campaign site anyway? What will you offer to terrorists that intimidate you should you make the election? A few of our states perhaps? I can see it now: " Here's some ocean front property over here you can have...it is called CA. or better yet...here are several places you may like, they are somewhat private islands and they are called the "Hawaiian Islands."
Please... get out of the race and concede before you tumble or fall and break a hip or something and end up spending the remaining golden years in a wheel chair. You should be enjoying these golden years, you have led a good and honorable life, I was for "YOU" until I spotted your weakness at the Sturgis Rally on You Tube and then it broke my heart, not being there myself of course because HONORABLE people don't typically go to such drunken type of functions but only a desparate man would do this at all to get votes let alone USE his own wife as a tool...you should not be over exerting yourself to please your "trophy" wife. Why are you running John McCain? Why?
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