Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Reader Submission: The Case for Impeachment

Ignoring warnings for months by terrorism czar and Presidential Daily Briefings of a pending attack against America. Lying about and possibly commissioning the forging of documents about Iraq acquiring yellow cake uranium. Cherry-picking intelligence and pressuring CIA analysts in the lead-up to the war.

Preemptively invading a sovereign nation that they knew had nothing to do with 9/11 and was not a threat to US. Lying about not having committed to war before the congressional vote to authorize force. Taking fighting forces and intelligence resources away from the pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Outing a CIA covert agent and destroying her network in counter-proliferation of WMDs for political revenge against her husband.

Making soldiers buy own body armor or dig through trash dumps to ‘up-armor’ their vehicles. Having America’s bravest heroes wallow in the squalor of Walter Reed Army

Authorizing torture at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib resulting in the maiming and killing innocent citizens of Iraq and rendering and torturing an innocent citizen of Canada. Authorizing imprisonment without representation. Abuse of signing statements to circumvent the legislative branch. Firing US Attorneys who don’t pursue Democrats before an election or who bring down corrupt Republicans.

Leaving American citizens fate in the flood waters in New Orleans to a political crony. Illegal surveillance of US citizens. Circumventing and weakening the Constitution. Violating dozens of international treaties.

What does a guy have to do to get impeached? Do you remember when it was as simple as lying about an affair under oath? Tell Congress to remove this administration
before they drag us into a war with Iran.

John Pardee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there has been no move to impeach him yet. As much as I respect Nancy Pelosi and what she tried to do with the first 100 hours initiative, I blame her for this. I completely disagree that we need to wussy-foot around this.

We have a duty to impeach, so that we won't send the wrong message to future administrations.