Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Poll on Character Traits of 2008 Presidential Candidates

The AP and Yahoo have a new poll out in which respondents were asked to rate presidential candidates from each party in terms of character traits such being decisive, honest, experienced, ethical, and strong. In each of these traits, Clinton and Giuliani lead their respective parties. What is interesting about this poll is that the two leading candidates for their parties in terms of being likeable are Obama and Giuliani. Between those two, Obama was viewed as more likeable than Giuliani by a 54% to 46% spread.

The article about the poll points out, though, that likeability, if there is such a word, ranks relatively low on a list of character traits that voters consider important for a presidential candidate. Interestingly in this election year, according to the article, Democrats are concentrating more on personal characteristics and Republicans more on policy.

Back in 2000 we were told by a lot of supposedly knowlegeable people in the media that Bush would beat Gore because people liked him better than Gore. According to this article, and this poll, that is just one more example of how wrong the media can be when it comes to analyzing politics. Too often, what is supposedly objective reporting is nothing more than the reporter's own biases disguised as the opinion of others.

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