Monday, October 22, 2007

To End the Curse Chief Wahoo Has to GO is ran an article about whether fans think that Cleveland sports teams are cursed. While the article goes over what happened in the Boston series that has fans wondering if Cleveland sports teams are cursed, it doesn't go into why they are cursed. Well, here's our take on the reason why: Chief Wahoo.

Now in the past complaints about Chief Wahoo from Native Americans have been treated with amusement and regarded as political correctness gone crazy, but consider these facts:

1. According to Wikipedia, the Cleveland Indians baseball team didn't adopt a caricature of an American Indian until 1947. The present version of Chief Wahoo wasn't adopted until the 1950s.

2. Since the adoption of the Indian caricature as a symbol, only one Cleveland Indian baseball team has won a World Series and that in 1948 when they beat the Boston Braves.

3. Since then we have lost either the World Series or games in the American League playoffs. All of those losses, except to the Atlanta Braves in 1995, have come at the hands of teams that don't mock out Native Americans.

4. The Atlanta Braves from the 1950s until 1986 had an Native American symbol named "Chief Noc-A-Homa". Note that they beat us after they got rid of that symbol.

Now, many baseball fans in Northeast Ohio will see this argument as just one more example of political correctness. We understand that position, but at this point, what do we have to lose by getting rid of the caricature of Chief Wahoo and just using a big red "I" as our symbol? Or maybe even changing the name of the team to something that goes with Cleveland like Cougars, get some alliteration going. Anything to break the Wahoo curse.

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