Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Be Thankful Ann Coulter Doesn't Have Children

One of the things that is interesting about conservatives like Ann Coulter is that while she praises "family values", she doesn't have a family of her own. She has never been married and has no children. That's why she has no problem attacking others and using their children as a weapon, as she did with John Edwards and his deceased son because she has no idea of the love that a person has for their child.

I have often wondered if that's why Ann Coulter is so enraged by women like Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Edwards. Like her they are graduates from law school. Unlike her, however, they have also been married, raised children, and actually practiced law. I wonder if, in her own mind, where the rest of us can't see, she measures herself against such women and finds herself wanting?

Of course, society should be grateful she doesn't have children. America doesn't need another child raised by a woman who hates. Such parents too often produce children who hate, who despise others for the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation or their religion. So when you are listing things that you are thankful for, consider adding the fact that Ann Coulter doesn't have children to your list. It's a small thing, but important nevertheless.

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