Friday, October 05, 2007

Fox News Tries to Stir Up Controversy Over Obama Not Wearing a Lapel Flag Pin

This has got to be, even for Fox News, just a stupid move. Imagine trying to stir up a controversy over Obama's not wearing a flag pin on his lapel. Now, we understand why Fox News is trying to do this. Part of the radical right's campaign against Democrats is to try and make them appear elitist and out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans. It is part of the whole social populism thing that conservatives have been doing since 1968. They try to make themselves look like ordinary people so that ordinary people won't realize how bad they are getting screwed over by conservative ideology.

Think about it, though: how many people do you see wear a flag pin during the day? Does your barber, hair stylist, attorney, accountant, sales clerk at the mall, do any of them wear flag pins at work? What Obama should say to the media is that "if you are concerned about whether I wear a flag pin with all the problems this country has, then you are just idiots." Of course, come to think of it, most of them are idiots.


Anonymous said...

Every one needs to read the Flag Code of our nation. No one should be wearing the flag as a piece of jewelry no matter what it represents.

Anonymous said...

It's a PIN.
It's a PIN.
It's a PIN.
It is NOT the flag.
It is NOT America.

If the country has truly gotten this wrapped up in jingoistic nationalism, then it's already too late for us. Anyone recall another country at war that was this caught up in symbolism? Think hard about it....

How about this? If it's such a huge deal, I challenge all the REAL patriots out there to not just settle for wearing one pin, but to wear 3 or more, so we can easily identify who should be running the country. I mean if trinkets are more powerful than words or actions now, it should be incredibly easy to choose our next president based on the number of flag pins he has on. C'mon candidates, let's make this happen!

Anonymous said...

Look, it is too easy to pin a pin on your lapel - anybody can do that and then claim themselves a patriot. We need a better proof than that, we need a real filter that would separate the fake patriots from the pretenders. We need to see some sacrifice. I say a politician must tattoo a flag on his forehead before I believe him to be a real patriot.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder what they are trying to divert our attention from doesn't it? This is one of the most pathetic attempts at diversion I've ever seen.

And not for nothing, but the fact that the person sitting in the White House who is shredding our constitution instead of defending it, wears a flag pin, is all the more reason for anyone NOT to wear it. I personally do not wish to be that closely associated with that man that I never once voted for.