Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Regula Bucks Bush, Votes for CHIP Reauthorization Act

Today, September 25, 2007, Congressman Ralph Regula voted against what Bush wanted and for America's uninsured children. The House passed by a margin of 265 to 159 to approve the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. This program, which Bush has pledged to veto, will expand health insurance opportunities for American children who lack health insurance.

This is from a Baltimore Sun article about this bill:

Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), pressing for passage of the bill today says: "This is all a matter of priorities. And we can see what the president’s are...Each day we spend $333 million on Iraq. That’s over 23 times what we currently spend on children needing health care every day. For one day in Iraq, we could cover the healthcare of over 256,000 American children.

The message that Democrats ought to send is real simple: Republicans like Bush and House Minority Leader John Boehner care a lot more for Iraqis and their security than they do for America's children. It is a very simple message to send and it is true.

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