Tuesday, September 25, 2007

MCDAC Newsletter Doing Well

This entry is going to be somewhat self-congratulatory. MCDAC puts out a weekly newsletter called the MCDAC Democratic Newsletter. It goes out to about 1300 email addresses per week. We use a product called Campaigner which is produced by Got Marketing.

Recently Got Marketing released a new version of Campaigner. This new version allows us to compare how our newsletter is doing to other newsletters put out by Campaigner. We analyzed the last 10 newsletters and found out that we did better in all categories than the average newsletter produced by Campaigner.

The categories included percentage of newsletters delivered; percentage opened; percentage where a link was clicked on by a reader; and percentage of readers who unsubscribed. We are happy with this result and wish to thank all our readers.


Jill said...

I am not surprised! Congratulations. :)

Team Member said...

Thank you for these comments and also for your kind remarks in the PD Open blog entry. We appreciate it.