Monday, July 30, 2007

"Moderate" Republicans & the Corporate Media

Okay, so last week the corporate media was breathlessly reporting about how Senator Arlen Specter was coming down hard on Gonzales and the Bushies over Fredo's possibly perjuring himself before Congress. Well, if you thought Arlen's backbone would once again collapse, you were absolutely right. Yesterday, he told a talking heads show that he wanted to wait until there was a intelligence briefing before deciding whether Gonzo had committed perjury.

This is from an AP story linked to in this entry's title:

Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he wanted to wait at least until a briefing Monday by the Bush administration on classified spy programs that could help him decide whether Gonzales lied to Congress.

Once again a so-called GOP "moderate" is backtracking and enabling the Bush Administration to continue pursuing its illegal and reckless policies. What the media tends to overlook is that none of what Bush has done to America and the world could have been done if GOP "moderates" like Specter, Voinovich, Chaffee, Snowe, Collins, McCain, DeWine, and others hadn't supported Bush in the Congress. Bush couldn't have gotten his reckless tax cuts through Congress, couldn't have started the Iraq War, couldn't have appointed ideologues to the United States Supreme Court, and couldn't have ran huge deficits if "moderates" from his own party hadn't supported him.

Now, of course, after enabling all of the above, Republican "moderates" want to back away from the destruction they have caused and be seen as "breaking" with Bush. The sad thing isn't that they think they can get away with it. The sad thing is that the corporate media will let them get away with it.

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