Monday, July 09, 2007

Is the Prince of Darkness Bailing on Bubble-Boy Bush?

Robert Novak, aka "The Prince of Darkness", has this column today in the Washington Post where he quotes an unidentified Republican Senator as saying "they just do not recognize the depth of the difficulty they are in." The "they" this Senator was referring to is the Bushies, led by Bubble-Boy and the Duck Hunter.

The article is interesting not because it points out that Bush is losing Republican Senators over Iraq, rather it is interesting for the tone that Novak adopts in the article. Instead of the usual sneering tone that Novak uses for those who oppose BB's programs, in this article he seems to actually be urging the Bush Administration to get its head out of its collective rear-end. This is seen by this quote from the end of the article: As the first in a succession of Republican senators to be critical of Bush's Iraq policy, Hagel feared the worst when he returned home to conservative Nebraska for Fourth of July parades. Instead, he was pleasantly surprised by cheers and calls for the troops to be brought home. Perhaps a White House scouting trip into the American heartland might be worthwhile.

If the Bushies have lost Robert Novak on the Iraq War, then they are in very deep do-do.

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