Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nine Republicans Didn't Vote on Iraq Debate Cloture Bill

If you click on the link in this entry's title, you can read the results of the vote on the motion last Saturday to close debate on the House anti-escalation resolution. Of the ten Senators who didn't vote on the motion, nine were Republicans. Only one Democrat didn't vote, Tim Johnson, D-SD, and he is recovering from brain surgery. Now, those votes weren't needed by the Republican leadership and so, as far as the result is concerned, it didn't matter that they didn't vote. Consider this point, however. Every public opinion poll shows that the number one issue on the public's mind is Iraq. So, on this important subject, nine Republican Senators couldn't even be bothered to show up and vote. That is simply a dereliction of duty and one that voters in their states should be reminded of when they run for re-election. We aren't crazy about how Voinovich voted, but at least he showed up and voted.

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